Sunday, May 28, 2017

“Sense of Self; True Sailing” p74

“In truth life and being a human being is beyond our understanding.  we are constantly being shown what it is.  it is a gift from Him.  And we say, ‘we want it’.  This ‘will to live’ is our accepting the gift.”

“Sense of Self” p74

Iyar 5777

P 74 [of the new pamphlet] 4th line from end of the page, at the line starting “atom…”.  [P 55 of the book]

A  sense of self [hergesh atzmi] is a divine gift.  Each person is individually created and given a neshamah/soul - and given the will to pursue his purpose in live… without this you lack the sense that you are created. 

In truth life and being a human being is beyond our understanding.  we are constantly being shown what it is.  it is a gift from Him.  And we say, ‘we want it’.  This ‘will to live’ is our accepting the gift. 

Life is not worldly.  It is from Him.  He gives life all the time.  That’s why there’s an interaction - the dawn calls us to come and participate.  

So the essential midot/emotions of a man are a Godly gift.  He cannot obtain it through any process - it is imbued in him by the Creator.

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