Tuesday, May 23, 2017

“Soul Message” p74

“The sechel/mind emanates in a gradual manner from the soul.  it starts with chochmah/wisdom, which has few vessels and no definition - it is expressing the truth of the neshamah/soul.”

“Soul Message” p74

Iyar 5777

P 74 [of the new pamphlet] at 7th line from top of the page, at the line starting “haskalat ha-inyan…”.  [P 55 of the book]

We are being presented with the finer elements of sechel.  The introduction to this perspective is that sechel/mind is a soul emanation.  It is not created by experience in the world…!

We have the truth, before we begin to experience and identify it.

The sechel/mind emanates in a gradual manner from the soul.  it starts with chochmah/wisdom, which has few vessels and no definition - it is expressing the truth of the neshamah/soul.

This is the basis for all knowledge of world that develops…

This is the exact opposite of the empiricist view.  the worldly/empiricist sees things as developing from the physical to the conceptual…

The soul sees it differently.  The world is created from above, by God.  The divine spirit gives being to everything. 

By a man of wisdom [chachom gadol] there is much content in the initial point.  It is there, but not revealed.

Man of wisdom [chachom gadol] looks to see what he can do [what he can contribute] in the world rather than for ways that the world will complement him.

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