Thursday, June 8, 2017

“Father & Son” p75

You are not the result of evolution and experience.  You are an actual creation with a unique soul… and a father and mother… you have an essential presence.  You are here because you are here, not because you serve some kinda purpose.”

“Father & Son” p75

Sivan 5777

P 75 [of the new pamphlet] 5th line from top of the page, at the line starting “tofeset…”.  [P 55 of the book]

We had been talking about will/ratzon.  It is above sechel/mind.

There is a difference between a house and a home.  It is based on the will.

Midot/emotions, not based on hergesh atzmi [sense of self] are not really emotions - it is in the category of ratzon/will.  All mind/sechel is based in will. 

The love between father and son is not based on any qualities.  It relates to essence - to will/ratzon.

The father and the son are one essence.  Their connection is not based on ‘similar backgrounds and interests’.  The son’s ‘being in the world’ is synonymous with his father’s.  

You are not the result of evolution and experience.  You are an actual creation with a unique soul… and a father and mother… you have an essential presence.  You are here because you are here, not because you serve some kinda purpose.

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