Wednesday, June 28, 2017

“The King’s Palace” p78

Light is the impact of the presence of the essence.  In the king’s palace there are many servants.  Closer to the king, the number of servants increases.”

“The King’s Palace” p78

Tammuz 5777

P 78 [of the new pamphlet] At second paragraph of the page - line starting “vezehhu…”.  [P 57 of the book]

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We are discussing the principle of ohr/light being reduced by vessels/keilim.

Light is the impact of the presence of the essence.  In the king’s palace there are many servants.  Closer to the king, the number of servants increases.  

In the presence of the king there is just him.  All is quiet.  Nothing is hurried.  There is the impact of his presence, which puts everything in place automatically.

This impact cannot be described by numbers.  It cannot be quantified. 

Think of the difference between complete and perfect.  ‘Complete’ alludes to a cumulative effect.  ‘Perfect’ is the reality itself - it is beyond counting.  

Life is perfect - it has no beginning and no end… 

What does the king contribute to the kingdom?  The king gives the nation its spirit - its reality - there’s no limit to this gift.  

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