Sunday, February 4, 2018

“Zionism” p102

“Man is unlike every other creation.  He represents the intent for which he was made.  He is super worldly.  The intent is concealed.  But the plan is that it become revealed and affect the world.  This aspect of the soul is called Zion.“

“Zionism” p102

Kislev 5778

P 102 (of the pamphlet) at about middle of the page - line starting “ohr ein sof”  [P 76 of the book]

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There’s a Godly presence hidden deep in the soul.

This corresponds to the heart’s desire [re’usa delieba].

Man is unlike every other creation.  He represents the intent for which he was made.  He is super worldly.  The intent is concealed.  But the plan is that it become revealed and affect the world.  This aspect of the soul is called Zion.

Zion is a marker.  

And there is an innate desire in the heart that corresponds to this.  

And the soul is internalized in a body.  This is the phenomenon of judgement [mishpat].  The soul presents itself to the body with an essential presence.  This is what invested in the body.  Through the mishap this essence is revealed. 

This is called ‘inner light’ [ohr pnimi].  This means it comes in a graduated manner - in a manner that can be integrated.  

The heart has a simplicity that is deeper than the mind.  The mind whats to know ‘how it works’.  The heart does not want or need to know how it receives life.

Show the heart Godliness and she immediately relates to it.  How is Godliness presented to the heart?  With mishpat [judgement].  

The first principle of thought is ‘there is a reality’.  This is Zion… there is a Creator… there is a design…. and a designer and manager to this structure…

Zion is both, ‘the point’ and the testimony regarding this point.  

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