Wednesday, February 1, 2012

“No Fear for the Gun” p: 69

AyinBase with R' Paltiel Wednesday 8 Shvat 5772  

Page 69– a few lines above the middle of the page (line starts, 'venimtza...')
See link (top right) for link to all pages of the text.

So as a result of the discussion of bechirah/choice (which is discriminating, but devoid of compelling elements) it comes out the representation the way that Torah and the essential element of G-d are united. This is so even during a time of exile when this unity can hardly be detected. He comes down 'to take a nation from among another nation...'

Because they were already select in essence, there is an eternal eternity even down here below...

Even in exile, 'You are a dwelling and a protection' for us.

First we looked at the principles that define bechirah/choice. Thus we concluded that it can only be within the essence, and because of the essence. This choice is beyond time and extends across all circumstances and even into the exile. The Rebbe was not scared of the gun, when threatened, because like all the Jewish people he is not bound by worldly existence.

Pnimius/inner connects directly to the essence and precedes the distinct entities. They held up the hands of Moses during the battle with Amalek and they were steadfast. They were steadfast not due to their own effort. They were up. The hands have the ability to be raised, but if they are up, it is not so pure since it is an active state. But if they are held up that reflects the purity of being up without the activity. This is called pnimius – representing the reality itself. The arms are in a certain state not due to any effort or presentation of their own. 

You could say, the arms are up, and it doesn't matter how they were held up. And from an external perspective it is the same. You sense the difference only on an essential level. That it represents the essence or an essential act.

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