Monday, August 21, 2017

“Love Talks” p85

“Speech is a reflection of an emotion.  It is not the full impact of the emotion.  The more it ‘comes down’ the more the light is reduced.“

“Love Talks” p85

Menachem Av 5777

P 84 [of the new pamphlet] just below half-way into the page - line starting “bechinat…”  [P 63 of the book]

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Speech is a reflection of an emotion.  It is not the full impact of the emotion.  The more it ‘comes down’ the more the light is reduced.  A reduction into speech is a lessening of the light.

When the emotions are strongly aroused, there is no ability for speech.  Only when the emotions are more contained is there the ability to talk.

And in speech there is a reflection of the light of the emotion that shines through…

A home reflections the person who lives there.  When he is present in his home you have his full impact.  When he is not in his home a reflection of his presence is felt.  

Chochmah/wisdom is higher and there is less ability to say anything about it!  [and for this reason it can easily be dismissed, and people say, ‘what are you talking about…?!’ because it is above speech and definition.]

Yet the wisdom itself does contain an aspect that will come out into articulation and communication.  Binah/understanding, joins chochmah/wisdom in its place.

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