Wednesday, June 27, 2018

“Music & Light” p121

“There’s a right way to do things.  This world is not a jungle or a desert.  This world has an inherent intent - to be inhabited.  There is a reality to your life on earth.“

“Music & Light” p121


P 121 (of the pamphlet) Approaching the middle of the page. Line starts, “ha-koach” [P 88 of the book]

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The human faculties function by means of vessels [organs - eg the faculty of sight is manifest in the eye].

And time is a factor.  There is a learning curve and a gap between the intent and the execution.

The vessel - the hand has to be trained to play an instrument or make music.

The teacher guides the musician’s hands and the mentor brings out his sense of purpose and music. 

The student senses what the mentor/mashpia is telling him and then reflects it in his own mind and heart. 

There’s a right way to do things.  This world is not a jungle or a desert.  This world has an inherent intent - to be inhabited.  There is a reality to your life on earth.  Sechel/mind is the same - it has the principle of there being right and wrong. 

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