Monday, December 14, 2009

Knowing oneself, and knowing what you see

AiynBase with R' Paltiel 12/13/09 Sunday 26 Kislev 5770

page 4 line starts, “bekiruv makom”. 11th line.

We're going through the seder hishtalshalus, in the sense that it is made possible by the fact that the ohr ein sof is being directed through the kav, which is the conduit/tzinor, which makes it possible to be disseminated at various levels.

A river doesn't provide, it floods. To fill a vessel it has to come through a tzinor.

The flooding by the river, in the metaphor, indicates that it is without measure – infinite. The river here represents, water without end. When you put it through a pipeline, you now discover that water is really measurable.

Water by nature doesn't have boundries, it flows. When you put the water in a pipline, you define the water by its content rather than the fact that it is not solid. The nature of the water is still retained, even though it is now measurable.

The start of seder hishtalshalus is in chochmah.

The start of the flow is chochmah. From there it flows down. The ein sof element is represented by its continued flow, rather than by what it is.

Chochmah is bekiruv makom – close, but outside. What you see in chochmah is the essence of ohr ein sof. The principle nature of chochmah is bitul – thus it is a “non-limiting” tzinor. Chochmah is like sight – it sees the kesser, but it is seder hishtalshalus – it sees it as a presence.

There is a gap between knowing oneself, and knowing what you see. You can't close your eyes to yourself, but with sight there is still a transfer of information – this is the meaning of kiruv makom – kesser is like knowing oneself, as opposed to chochmah, which sees it from up close.

All the oneg/pleasure that one has in any process or sechel has to do with the eloki aspect.

Sight is relating to the ein sof, since only due to the ein sof can you and an object outside yourself relate to each other.

There are 32 pathways of chochmah and then a step down to binah. Binah has to relate to the content/gashmi. Binah wants the proof. These are narrow pathways to binah, so that binah takes from chochmah only finite points. Living binah, looks back to chochmah and orientates by means of the bigger picture. In this way binah is fed from the chochmah.

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