Monday, December 14, 2009

As it is, not as I see it...

AiynBase with R' Paltiel 12/14/09 Monday 27 Kislev 5770

Page 4 – line starts, “bebina”.

One of the key features of chochmah is bitul. The principle of bitul, is not only that it doesn't have yesh and can accept the ohr as it comes. Another important side to bina is that in yesh, whatever it can recognize outside itself is based on itself.

This is the primary affect of yesh – all is from its own perspective.

Chochmah is not limited in this way. Thus there is gilui ohr rav. Chochmah does not need a keili for ohr. Its reality is based on its source. This is like sight, which perceives the object, as it is.

Another affect of this is that, in a nivrah, even in binah, it is first aware of itself and then it explains itself by realizing it has a Creator. Chochmah has a different system since it does not have to go through itself.

This is how it is possible for a nivrah to really relate to his Creator. To his Creator Himself.

Kedusha is drawn down only through chochmah.

Chochmah illuminates into binah by 32 different pathways. In binah all is reinterpreted and given form, yet it refers back to chochmah to substantiate what it sees.

From here there are 50 gates to the 7 midot. Chochmah and binah really unite – a true connection and a pathway of connection. Midot are in a different catergory from the sechel. Chochmah and binah, though not as purely are interested in the truth, rather than “how it affects me”.

From binah to midot is a big gap. Binah doesn't travel to midot. Binah has gates that open to the midot. The creation of midot from sechel, is on the one hand a command, “this is the way it should be” and then participation from the heart. The midot do not understand, they just recognize.

The real chayut is always from the chochmah. The reason the midot give off light it is due to the chochmah that has reached them – this is the oil that flows from chochmah, to binah to the midot.

For midot to shine, to be living emotions, they need to draw from the oil of chochmah. The oil is the essence. Just as we say, “words that come from the heart, enter into the heart”. Why not words of sechel? Because the heart is not affected by sechel.

Midot have to be touched directly. The shemen, oil, is that i'm pouring out the very essence. Not the knowledge, but the essence touches the emotion. Since emotions are hot they kindle the shemen.

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