Friday, December 25, 2009

Mechanism or message

AiynBase with R' Paltiel 12/25/09 Friday 8 Tevet 5770

page 7 about 10 line into the big paragraph “ukmo she katuv”

Why is there ohr in meor? Because the illluminator is not just limited to itself, “it is everything.”

Ohr cannot be drawn down without a keili.

In our low world it is possible to see a whole system that has enormous effect and not see any significance in it – we just say it is inadvertant – the sun comes up and we say it is just the movement of planets. We say it is nature. But when we say the nature of light is to rise up, it is very significant. It says, wherever I go I will be connected to the illuminator.

If it is devoid of significance – then it doesn't exist. When the gemara tells us that a tossed stick lands heavy side down and that this is a return to source, it is telling us about the neshamah of the world.

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