Thursday, December 3, 2009

Words of the living G-d

AiynBase with R' Paltiel 12/3/09 Thursday 16 Kislev 5770

Page base 2 – bottom third (at the word “be-emet”).

The difference is being explained between tshuvah and all other mitzvot. Tshuvah has to do with essence, rather than ratzon galui.

Tshuvah comes from the depth of the heart.

Lower tshuvah is leaving the sin and resolving never to repeat it. Here too there is an additional notch that assures it will never recur. He goes beyond the external effects, “I can't look at myself in the mirror” to something deeper – the bother at the level of pnimius hanefesh.

We have to bear it in mind, since our natural orientation always misses it. We think in terms of cause and effect, but Nefesh is a living thing and its life is in, and of itself. Nefesh is chai be-etzem. Its life and interest in, and of itself.

How does one become of this inner point? That is because he is aware of the Creator and he becomes a real presence, and thus goes beyond cause and effect.

Tshuvah is focussed on the Commander. Your regret is not 'cos “you did something wrong”, it is since you offended the Commander. How? You transgressed His will? Your concern is for the offense given.

Tshuvah is the principle that you recognize the severance of the relationship to the One who commands the mitzvah.

Higher tshuvah surely too has these qualities... and the Rebbe doesn't elaborate. On the lower level you have the sin and the return, on the higher level it consists of, “if I recognize my metziut I can't stand it – I have to connect to Him”!

There is a constant movement, “I see the truth, and I understand it, and in the understanding it becomes mine, and that's not the real thing, so I have to go higher, back to the truth.”

by definition higher tshuvah is of the inner essence.

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