Monday, February 15, 2010

A new day

AiynBase with R' Paltiel 2/15/10 Monday 1 Adar 5770

Page 13 – about 9th line “achar ha tzimzum”. 

The light is drawn back to its source, since it feels a lick of reality. Think of sight versus touch. Touch gives you a real feel. Sight gives you the reality of the object. When you touch you feel its reality, but its not really the object, it is the affect of the object on you. Then you touch and you see it, then you say it's really here. You have the experience of reality because you see/saw it.

The sunlight in the sun is different from the light made to illuminate. The light made to see objects is like touch. The real light makes for “day”. The reason an object, seen with deflected light is realized as real, is because we experience the reality of day.

The real experience of sight is not based on individual objects, but on day. We said a tzaddik fall 7 times and gets up. We saw he gets back up based on his childhood learning. Why does the learning he attained later leave him. This is because it is acquired learning, that does not completely unite with the person. That which is part of you cannot be lost.

This is showing that anything that is based on acquired knowledge is not real. So when we say “i see the object”, this is acquired knowledge – it is coming to me. For it to be fully real it has to be with me without it coming to me – that is in day time. Day says everything is there – this is essence – if the object is part of day it is real. You experience the reality when it doesn't come to you by means of a connection – in day everything is there and present.

Day here corresponds to ratzon and oneg. The light to illuminate is chochmah.

This explains the ratzu and shuv of the ohr. When you see an object you see it specifically and then you want to see the panorama – this is the ratzu and shuv.

This is like seeing something and then seeing nothing (because it is part of reality).

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