Thursday, February 4, 2010

The earth is suspended from nothing

AiynBase with R' Paltiel 2/4/10 Thursday 20 Shevat 5770

Page 11 – about a third from the end of the page - “bechinat bitul hayesh”.

Looking at the pathway of Torah from below to above how the keli becomes like the ohr.

What does it mean, that the keili becomes like the ohr? This is done through bitul. Bitul can come like that of a chocham katan (a novice) in the presence of the chocham gadol (wise man). Why is he affected? Why is the novice not just interested in his chochmah? It shows that the whole basis of chochmah is based on elements of truth. The novice realizes that the chochmah of the wise man relates to the truth in a more profound way – and because he is seeking the truth and is affected in a profound way (if he was not seeking the truth he would not want to be in the presence of the wise man, since it would diminish his own chochmah).

What is the element of truth? That it does not represent itself – that it represents it's Creator. When one realizes that his whole presence is provided to him from above, this is the level of ohr. Through bitul ha yesh it is possible for the keili to reach the level of ohr – this is done through Torah. Torah gives directives, that are expressed on the level of the world, yet their basis is not at all based on world. This rises even the nefesh habahamit (the animal soul).

The keli becomes like the ohr, but they are different. Keli still recognizes metziut, but knows that it is sourced above. “not only is it not of my making, but its significance is that I recognize and serve the Maker with this thing.” “Lehiyot hakeilim kmo ha-ohr” - connection of the keili to it's Maker is what makes it significant.

A simple recitation of Psalms, by a simple man, not even knowing the meaning of the words, may be greater than that of the great scholar. This is a teaching of chassidus. “I don't know anything, I just know I am speaking to the One who lives forever.” Sometimes knowing the meaning of the words can interfere with the purity. This is the second kind of bitul – bitul before the truth, not because of his chochmah, but an essential recognition.

The keili then is able to receive a light that is beyond the level of relating to keili. Since “my grasp of it” is not important, then he can receive an ohr that is not graspable in a keli. He relates to the source itself. He knows his value is not what he is, but the presence of the Creator.


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