Friday, February 26, 2010

The truth can only be know personally

AiynBase with R' Paltiel 2/26/10 Friday 12 Adar 5770

Page 12 – the third line from the end of the page.

Last night we learned that the sechel comes to the student, “according to the manner it is in the essence.”

when the teacher has to bring it down from a personal experience of the truth he has to bring something that can be shown externally. The universality is the external presentation, the truth can only be know personally – you have to actually be there. Here universality is almost on par with chitzoni (external).

Depth of sechel, a person has a question, because he senses already the answer and the depth. The Rebbe's sichas are built on questions that most people don't notice and wouldn't bother with if they did notice it. From these questions the Rebbe builds a whole new view. The Rebbe goes beyond explaining away a contradiction to reveal a new perfect perspective.

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