Friday, February 12, 2010

Sun rules the day

AiynBase with R' Paltiel 2/11/10 ThursdayNight 27 Shevat 5770

Page 13 – top of the page – 4th line.

Looking at the difference between ohr and shefa. The purpose of bringing out the difference is to show that the ohr is unified with the source and like the essence. It is like the ein sof. Ein sof is a qualitative aspect. In sechel we cannot grasp the essential property of essence, since sechel grasps things from the outside.

The nefesh wants what it wants, without external influence, it is essence itself. Ohr on the other hand has a beginning, but is unified with the source. Ohr has a beginning – meaning even in its state of revelation it is complete.

There is a difference between ohr and atzilus. Atzilus is also ohr, but ohr itself is unified in its essence. Even though ohr is a gilui it is “from and of itself” - the ohr has no external influence – it is of and from the essence itself. Imagine describing a sechel you have to another person, you have it on the basis of your soul, but in the sechel is an element of universality, and thus can grasped by others. This is because one recognizes the universality – the ohr hasechel.

Atzilus is also ohr, not keli, but it is an ohr that is revealed beyond the essence, so to speak. The outside does not have the ohr in, and of itself.

This is like where, Moshe our teacher, gathered elders and his spirit was on them and they were raised to the level of prophets. This influence from Moshe did not diminish him at all. This is like a flame lighting other candles, without diminishing itself. Atzilus is the word used – showing that it has the meaning of something taking effect externally – this being outside the etzem, takes place after the tzimzum.

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