Thursday, December 30, 2010

The constant gift of light

AyinBase with R' Paltiel 12/30/2010 Thursday 23 Tevet 5771

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Page 40 – 3 lines from the end of the page (line starts “tzimzum...”)

Ohr/light is a revelation, but it can be bechinat ein sof. It can have an aspect of the essence. Usually the light is a subset of the essence. If something is an essence, then it's gilui/revelation is automatic. Essence per se is not something we can conceptualize.

The fact that the light has a limit is because not the full aspect of the essence is revealed – it is coming through a tzimzum.

The light created on the first day had no limitation. A man could see with this light “from one end of the world to the other...” This light has been hidden for the time to come...

What does this light mean? What is the special gift of light? What would be lacking if there was not light? One can navigate a room by touch. But the difference between sight and touch is that touch relates you to the metzius, but sight relates you to the mehus/reality.

Through light you realize that the world is real. You actually relate to the reality, “it is real , in and of itself.” you cannot destroy things in the world since they represent a G-dly creation. This is recognized by sight, but not by touch.

The reality of the world is not created by virtue of their being light, but by virtue of it being a G-dly creation. It is infinite in itself – it is not defined by it's function.

Light reveals this reality. Through light we touch the reality of the world. If we could see the world as a G-dly creation, then it would be limitless.

Ultimately, in the time to come, the world will still be a world, but it will not misrepresent itself.

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