Friday, December 24, 2010

Allowing light to affect your essence

Cape Town Harbour, Table Mountain in the background
AyinBase with R' Paltiel 12/24/2010 Friday 17 Tevet 5771

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Page 40 – at the lower third of the page after the parenth. (line starts “hu be-ofen...”)

Previously we explained that you, “cannot put a head on someone's shoulders” - sechel can only be taught to one who is receptive on the level of sechel. Here we are talking about a light that comes from the essence. If the student has the bitul and relates to what his teacher/rav tells him then he receives it.

“Open your mouth and you will be filled”, is the verse about this situation. You have to allow the rav to direct you without the filter of bitul. The student has to be a vessel for the light. The light is not life on its own – the student has life and has to allow the light to affect his essence.

How is he a vessel for the light if not by sechel? He recognizes there is a light way beyond his grasp. He desires the truth, rather than what he can grasp. He recognizes in himself a truth element in sechel that is beyond sechel. How do you get it? You get it if you're given – it is from the rav.

There is a way to seek it. Through complete bitul. The student labors to the full extent, and he doesn't relent, till he hits the wall, and that's when he first gets it.

The rav also knows it not with sechel/mind, but because it is the essence.

The student receives a reflection of essence and on receiving it his mind opens up and he has a increase of light of sechel. The student works with the hashpah, the mentorship that he was given.

This is like a father lifting his child off the ground. He is lifted off his base and is held up by his father. At that time the lift is a great feeling and then he's able to focus to things differently. The son “plays with the beard of his father”.

Before we saw how the student learned to think like the rav, here we are talking about the student becoming “like” the rav. The rav has given him something that breaks through the filter of his sechel. Now the student can become like the rav. There is an actual affect of the rav on the talmid, since this is a transmission of essence.

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