Monday, December 20, 2010

The light and the sun

AyinBase with R' Paltiel 12/20/2010 Monday 13 Tevet 5771

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Page 40 – about a third from the top of the page (line starts “lesechel...”)

The koach hamaskil is the faculty that drives understanding. It demands sechel and becomes its source.

The nefesh of the human can only relate to that which is rooted in truth, rooted in G-dliness. Just because something forces itself upon me, does not make it real to the nefesh of man. Sechel asks, why is it there and what does it stand for?

This koach ha maskil is rooted in the higher elements of the soul. The nefesh says, “I can participate here if I find the sechel – the truth of the situation. This is the means by which I can be present in your world”.

An essence on the other hand is not downloaded. It cannot be outside of itself.

An essence is introverted and does not become a source for anything else.

On the other hand the sun is the source of the illumination in the world – the essence is the source of the ha-arah...

why does it create this hamshachah? So that it can be in this place too. For the soul to be present in the body, it needs that sechel should function and that the body be a vessel for it. If the soul has to be in the body, the vessel for it to be there is sechel.

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