Monday, October 10, 2011

“It Exists Because It Exists” p: 56

AyinBase with R' Paltiel 10/10/11 Monday 12 Tishrei 5772 

Page 56 – about 5 lines from end of the page (line starts: “bechinat ha makor...”)
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We are looking to understand the relationship between chochmah and binah.

We have illustrated the principle of chochmah as the demarcation of a piece of land/space. Prior to demarcation that space is not viewed as space, 'it is what it is, unto itself'. Space means a resource to develop. This means there is no effect, no ha-arah/reflection. This is primary reality – 'it exists because it exists'.

Then when I demarcate an area, I view it as a piece of property from a users perspective. This is like looking at it from a 'subset view' – functionality rather than reality. And if not for its reality I could not relate to its functionality. Chochmah sees function as it emanates from reality. Thus chochmah gives us a sense of truth and reality, even though it is sechel/ha-arah.

Everything depends on the simplicity and reality that is above it. This is what allows the lower level to be real rather than 'just convenient'. If not for the trickle of truth or reality that comes down to everything, and without that we could not relate to our own actions.

In binah there is the description of the function and when it comes into malchus/actualization, then it is not called a creation because the essence of it already existed. Malchus is like speech – full presence in the world. This is revelation – the individual content is expressed.

This is a bracha/blessing – the revelation of something from a hidden to a revealed state.    

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