Thursday, October 27, 2011

“Doing it with Love and Fear” p: 57

Photo: Kevin Moshe Rubin

AyinBase with R' Paltiel 10/27/11 ThursdayNight 29 Tishrei 5772 

Page 57 – at the middle of the page (line starts: “ofan...”)
See link on the upper right of the blog to view all pages of the text...

Nothing exists except for the fact that He creates it. Each thing has in some remote manner a G-dly element. And this is what its existence stands for. Makif is the direct reflection of the essence. The pnimi draws from the makif and this provides it with presence.

This table represents not a table, but the room. It represents the dining room by being a table.
This is the meaning of all being connected back to Source representing a G-dly element.

First there is arousal of the ratzon/will. Then there is the level where the sechel takes over. The sechel works out how to implement and then it comes to midot in the heart. Why 'emotions of the heart'? Why not go from sechel into action? The answer is that sechel compels and says, 'yes, we should do it', yet it is still 'academic and theoretical' – midot is the way that it becomes a personal matter.

This is a wholesome process. Yes, one can be compelled to act without going through the midot. One can prey without 'love and fear'.

By involvement of the midot, the person is totally involved.

From here actual action will occur.

What precedes arousal of the will is the purification of one's sensitivities, to allow the nefesh/soul to express itself.

In today's thinking where all is 'cause and effect', and the makif and soul are discounted, the depth is removed from life.

Makif is the source of the pnimi.  

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