Sunday, October 2, 2011

“Nothing Impacts Something“ p: 56

AyinBase with R' Paltiel 10/2/11 Sunday 4 Tishrei 5771 

Page 56 – middle of the page (line starts: “eyin...”)

The point being made is that the start of the download is from binah, but we have said that both chochmah and binah are involved together.

We have explained that in binah there is metziut and chochmah has the ein/nothing element. The chochmah does not initiate since it is nothing.

Malchus is a contributor to the yesh of briah. But it remains ein so it is not the source for it. So too is there a similar relationship between the ein of chochmah and the 'something' of binah.

We started talking about malchus. And this is an appropriate time of year to get into it.

The yesh/something though on the one level 'gross' is really a reflection of the malchus. The 'people are the reflection of the kingship'. In the world of briah and yeshus – in the world of 'stuff' – in the temple of Jerusalem everything was perfect and maintained in a state of great luxury – clothes were discarded not washed – this seems like yeshus – stuff: garments, vessels, doors, gold plating, but it is not a something that focuses on itself – it is all about the presence of the King.

So too in human terms: there are 7 mitzvoth for all the nations – things have to be run properly – a legal system must be established and maintained. The 7 mitzvoth benei Noach reflect proper behavior – so on the one hand it can be seen to 'enhance one's own civilizations' – we saw the Germans – monsters steeped in proper behavior. The truth is that every nation has to live the way of the 7 mitzvoth since it is commanded from Above.

This creates merit and eternal life.

They establish rules according to 'human intellect' but the reason we do it is because, 'there is a King in the world, not for our own benefit'. 'Because there is a commander, thus we have rules, even if we make the rules based on principles'. This is the idea of malchus contributing to the yeshus of briah. They make the rules as they fit their sechel and locations and hence malchus is not giving specific input.

This is the wonder of how the ein has impact on yesh. The yesh/something of the briah/world is reflective of malchus. Malchus is nothing and malchus is everything.

There is a contribution from ein/nothing to yesh/something, but the ein remains ein.

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