Wednesday, October 5, 2011

“Reaching The Point“ p: 56

AyinBase with R' Paltiel 10/5/11 WednesdayNight 7 Tishrei 5772 

Page 56 – lower third of the page (line starts: “hiney nodoh...”) 

We discussed yesterday and this morning the difference between chochmah and binah – different nature. Yet in each is the element of the other.

Where do you see chochmah in binah is in 'nekuda hatmatzit – the resulting point', which refers to the end product of full comprehension. The apprehension of the topic is the sensing of the form, in an almost physical format, and then after that is expressed a point. Nekuda means, 'what is the point?' and he senses how the essence can be grasped from exposed form.

This is the point that comes from the hasagah. This is not the point chochmah as it preceeded the comprehension.

The Rebbe is saying that within the binah is a point that results from the fulness of understanding.

We discussed how the prohibition, 'do not steal' is rooted in 'I am the Lord your G-d'! There are 2 aspects in the prohibition. One is how it is rooted above and the other how it expresses itself as a distinct command.

There are 2 topics in the union of G-d. The way it is in Him (yachid) and then there is the union as it finds it's expression through the creation (echad). No matter how disparate things are they fit together, since they are essentially one thing.

Science at one point regarded all as 'survival of the fittest' in a 'dog-eat-dog' world! And then more recently discerned a predisposition to life. Life is via breathing. An activity. And yet it is not an activity. The manner of breathing is the creation of a vacuum (in the lungs) and the air automatically flows in...! This is of great significance in the experience of life. Life is not something for which you struggle. It is given to you! This shows on the perfect union of everything. This kind of union/unity reveals itself as a result of the binah (rather than what is realized in chochmah).

This is a realization 'from the bottom up' – via the experience of the entities in the world...  

The key to getting to the vision of unity is that the chochmah is sensed in the binah. That the binah originates in the chochmah. If the world is something 'you bump against' you won't sense the union. Only if you see existence represents a source of reality will you find the most marvelous union and harmony.

Why say binah comes from chochmah if it seems to have chochmah of its own? If your recognition of the reality is by accident, without a source, then no matter what you notice all will remain separate. You would be like a scientist who sees the whole miracle of cross pollination and says just, 'miracle of nature' and not a 'living world made by Him'.

This is a recognition that there is truth in presence. The definition of intelligence is that significance of things is perceived. At the wedding hall something intangible and real is occurring – and this is what is perceived. This is beyond the tables and chairs.

There is a realization that life is real!  Breathing is a manifestation of this on the lowest physical level.  we are conscious of this, not by discovery, but because it comes with the territory - a realization that there is truth.

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