Thursday, October 23, 2014

“Constant Rise” p:72(11)

AyinBase / Ayin Beis with R' Paltiel 29 Tishrei 5775 

Page 72(11)

At 3 lines from the end of the page – (line begins: 'la-asot...') For text, click: Here.

We are explaining that 'spirituality and physicality do not really connect, and the fact that they do touch is an ongoing wonder/miracle'. It is not due to their own natures that they correlate at all.

This is like the element of 'fire'. Due to the fineness and 'spirituality' of fire it does not mix and unite with the other 3 elements. It constantly rises upwards, striving to be re-united with its source.

Everything in the world is a creation and has a Source. Nothing in the world is 'original'. Of the 4 elements, 'fire' is most obviously representative of its source... and it constantly points to its source and rises to it...

The nature of fire is that it consumes all lower levels and says, 'there is nothing but the makor/Source'.

The connection between the physicality and the spiritual is a wonder – there is no natural affinity between them.

This 'source' element is the 'light' component of the object. Each thing consists of light (purpose/meaning) in a vessel (actual structure).

The vessel is intended to take its place in the lowly world, while the light remains connected to its source.

These 2 elements are like chesed/kindness and gevurah/severity.

The vessel, like kindness, goes down to be of service. The light which is striving upward is like severity... it does not seek to have a worldly justification... it remains attached to the source. The light rises, to disengage from the world and the vessel settles into the world.

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