Monday, October 27, 2014

“In His Source” p:72(12)

AyinBase / Ayin Beis with R' Paltiel 3 Cheshvan 5775 

Page 72(12)

At about a third from the top of the page – (line begins: 'hayom...') For text, click: Here.

We have looked at how can there be such a term as 'adam kadmon' – adam – man is a creation, and kadmon is original...? the answer is that there is a cleaving to the source. It relates to the kadmon/initiating element and thus qualifies to be called kadmon – original...

Daylight is created, not by day, but by the sun... Sun is the essence of light. I the sun the possibility of darkness does not exist.

The light of day, is not functional, but revealing an essence...

So too the adam, by being connected to his source, can be kadmon/original. His sense of his own self is how he is in his source.

We say 'faith' is the basis of human thought, life and activitiy... but it seem fleeting and elusive...? yes, I don't have a grasp of it, but what do I sense? I sense reality beyond creation. And this comes in the form of faith, because it cannot be known. But it is an undeniable and unquestionable reality – that is what faith/emunah brings.

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