Thursday, October 30, 2014

“Real Presence” p:72(12)

AyinBase / Ayin Beis with R' Paltiel 6 Cheshvan 5775 

Page 72(12)

At about lower quarter of the page – (line begins: 'kulo klo chashiv...') For text, click: Here.

The chochmah has the sense of 'there's nothing, but You'.

Essence is the real thing (emitit ha-yesh). We have noted that physical matter cannot be destroyed. There's a truth to things. Essence is the truth of this. Physicality is rooted in essence. It has a quality of truth, of real presence.

And so in contrast He is the true 'something'. He gives the reality to physicality. And this means that anything less than truth is a non-entity.

This is like the difference between a king and everyone else...

With bitul/humility you see from the viewpoint of the One showing you and not from your own perspective.

The effect of the sense that 'compared to you, all is considered as nothing', is that our people are able to say, 'we will do, and we will understand', at Mount Sinai.

We are able to know that there is only one truth. Truth that is there not due to our knowledge of it, but due to its own truth. This is due to the cleaving – the way chochmah cleaves to truth.

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