Sunday, October 5, 2014

“Original Thought” p:72(9)

AyinBase / Ayin Beis with R' Paltiel 11 Tishrei 5773 

Page 72(9)

About 8 lines from the of the page – (line begins: 'vehinei...') For text, click: Here.

The Rebbe is explaining that there is a connection all the way down to man below – not only does he reflect 'higher man', but all the way up to the first thought, 'Adam kadmon / original man'.

This is reflective of the Creator Himself. This is His own first thought...

Where in man is there that kind of presence that is original...? Man here below seems dependent and so how is he reflective of the original Creator? Man has a sense of reality that defies all reality and becomes the basis of all understanding... chochmah/wisdom recognizes a truth beyond its comprehension.

This chochmah is in contrast to comprehension that works with definitions and limits... this is like sight, that brings a level of truth beyond that provided by touch.

And man relates to this level because his primary knowledge is beyond discovery.

And that man is primary in God's thought, is based on His will. And there is a verse that says, 'my thoughts are not light your thoughts'.

The whole world is a reflection of the heart of man.

Everything is found in a man's home. There is no identifiable meaning to his home – he creates it from nothing – from a plain presence! This is because the human being has a fundamental reality, and his home is reflective of this... There is nothing in the world that is not him/his – he is connected to everything.


  1. I think the quote is: "my thoughts are not like your thoughts."
