Wednesday, October 29, 2014

“The Real Thing” p:72(12)

AyinBase / Ayin Beis with R' Paltiel 5 Cheshvan 5775 

Page 72(12)

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We are looking at how chochmah/wisdom which is a functional faculty, can sense internally the absolute truth that 'there is only He and nothing else!' How does it do it? How does it relate to the pure truth as it is?

It is due to the cleaving to its source.

Chochmah has this nature.

Cleaving to its source, means that its own self identity is the same as knowing the source.

As a result of this, the chochmah senses how the Essence is the real thing!

And it knows it the same way essence itself knows it.

If you take think from you own perspective exclusively, you don't have the real thing. You miss the whole point.

The wise man says, 'I choose the king'. The people ask for a decree from the king, so that they will be real. This is the transmission of the reality of the king to his people. The people reflect him – they are not an entity unto themselves.

And this is chochmah. It senses that everything you sense from outside has not truth. It senses that the truth is exclusively from the essence.

And that no thing can represent this truth.

Chochmah/wisdom can relate directly to the host. This is like sight.

And this is why we say in our prayers, 'none compares to You'. In this world we don't sense how there is 'none but You'. But we can sense in this world how 'none compares to You'.

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