Thursday, March 23, 2017

“Higher Light” p 65

If you focus exclusively on the 'convenience' element then no light can illuminate your life. Human self respect is not because he is self respecting, but due to the purpose and mission he has been given by the Creator.”
Higher Light p 65
Ayin Base with R' Paltiel. Adar 5777.

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Page 65 [of the pamphlet] Below midpoint of the page – line starts: 'bimromav...' (P50 in the book)

Let's clarify: what's the meaning of the 'revelation of the higher light?' [gilui ohr elyon]

For the revelation of higher lights to have effect, the lower lights need to be sensitive to them.

This principle is seen at all levels.

This is because everything has a top-down effect. We eat with a spoon from a bowl at a table. This is convenient. And there is the element of a higher significance – human self respect (while at the same time being convenient).

If you focus exclusively on the convenience element then no light can illuminate your life.

Being responsive to the higher light is based on a sensitivity to it.

The human self respect is not because he is self respecting, but due to the purpose and mission he has been given by the Creator. And based on this he behaves accordingly – based on sensitivity to his mission and to his Creator.

Once the light is in a vessel it becomes 'self-identifying' but it is still sensitive to the revelation of the higher light [gilui ohr elyon].

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