Friday, September 1, 2017

“A Quality of Truth” p86

“Nothing exists, but for the fact that it was created.  And being a creation means it carrying the truth of the Creator - a quality of truth beyond definition.“

“A Quality of Truth” p86

Menachem Av 5777

P 86 [of the new pamphlet] at last line of the page - line starting “vehighnu…”  [P 65 of the book]

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We’re going further - to an insight beyond contemplation and words; That higher and lower is not dependent on any qualities nor content - it is based on identification by the essence itself. 

Nothing exists, but for the fact that it was created.  And being a creation means it carrying the truth of the Creator - a quality of truth beyond definition.

 And it is from the Creator perspective that ‘higher’ and ‘lower’ are defined.

He chooses.

We don’t question His choice - it is beyond our comprehension, but we can relate to it.  We relate to it by the quality of emunah/faith.  Below that is chochmah/wisdom which recognizes what I see. 

If we had been commanded to chop wood, we would do it with the same diligence.  It is the fact of His choice that gives it value.  This is what Judaism is about.

Abraham was commanded to put Isaac on the alter.  And he didn’t question it.  We are not here for goodness and kindness, but rather to represent Him. 

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