Wednesday, September 20, 2017

“Excited Mind” p89

“And the emotions from the mind, retain the impact of being mindful...“

“Excited Mind” p89

Menachem Av 5777

P 89 [of the new pamphlet] 8th line from top of the page - line starting “bebechinat…”  [P 66 of the book]

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We are talking about types of ‘cause and effect’.

We are looking at how emotions are born from mind.

This is because in the level of mind/sechel the element of emotion is already present.

They are more refined than the emotions of the heart, but they are clearly there… there is an excitement in the mind…

The heart becomes aroused and feels how something is ‘good for him’.  The mind is aroused by beauty per se, without the personal element.

And the emotions from the mind, retain the impact of being mindful - a mochin type of midah.

The emotions are not ‘selfish’, - a man does a favor for someone and feels good - it is genuine.  However the midot are personal - personally affected…

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