Monday, September 25, 2017

“Cool Heat” p89

“The ‘will’/ratzon exists because there is a fundamental truth in the soul, which is not time dependent - it is a Godly spark - God Himself that lives with him…“

“Cool Heat” p89

Menachem Av 5777

P 89 [of the new pamphlet] about halfway into the page - line starting “shemasig…”  [P 66 of the book]

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Two models of ‘cause and effect’ - the effect is contained within the cause; or separate existence from the cause.

The emotions are sourced in mind.  In fact the mind has a degree of ‘excitement’.

On the one hand Godliness is a total non-entity… nothing… similar to ‘will’, which is beyond experience and logic… yet is functional and life itself… life is true unto itself, but it shows itself also outside…

The ‘will’/ratzon exists because there is a fundamental truth in the soul, which is not time dependent - it is a Godly spark - God Himself that lives with him…

Godliness is much superior to your means of knowing it - you know it and you don’t know it…

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