Tuesday, September 5, 2017

“Break of Dawn” p87

“We have been blessed with intelligence.  The secular world attempts to counter this.  It is this intelligence that makes us human.  The dawn’s first ray of light changes everything for the human being - the whole world has changed, and we stand for morning prayer. 

“Break of Dawn” p87

Menachem Av 5777

P 87 [of the new pamphlet] at about middle of the page - line starting “de-atzilut…”  [P 65 of the book]

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A metziut/thing does not convey what it is doing there. 

Mehus it that which brings it there - the purpose.

What is the difference between ohr/light and ziv/ray.  Ziv is a reflection of the light.  Atzilus is a reflection of the ohr ein sof.

We have been blessed with intelligence.  The secular world attempts to counter this.  It is this intelligence that makes us human.  The dawn’s first ray of light changes everything for the human being - the whole world has changed, and we stand for morning prayer. 

The start of revelation that makes and effects world is from atzilus on down.  Above that level there is no element of revelation - it is hidden unto itself.

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