Wednesday, September 6, 2017

“Concealed Essence; Pristine Thought” p87

“The Rambam says, ‘the first principle is that there is a First Being’ - and He is not something we can comprehend.“

“Concealed Essence; Pristine Thought” p87

Menachem Av 5777

P 87 [of the new pamphlet] at just below middle of the page - line starting “ve-al ken…”  [P 65 of the book]

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Essence is defined by that which is higher than world - by the Creator.

Atzilus has a sense of the essence - not the essence of the light, but essence of the reflection…

Thus, atzilus is the start of revelation.  Above that level is essence, which is in a state of concealment [beyond revelation and grasp].

The Rambam says, ‘the first principle is that there is a First Being’ - and He is not something we can comprehend.  

In a worldly context things have function and features.  Then there is existence per se.  It has a source.  The world may say it makes itself, but the Torah tells us He makes it…

He provides place for the world. He is the basis for the world - the world is not the basis for Him.

We have a Godly soul.  If we allow it to give us some illumination we can relate to some of the Godly elements that precede creation…!

Man was created in the divine form…  

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