Wednesday, September 13, 2017

“Wisdom & Understanding” p88

“Chochmah/wisdom is essentially beyond grasp.  It cannot be internalized.  You have it only while you are connected to it.  You cannot put it in your pocket.“

“Wisdom & Understanding” p88

Menachem Av 5777

P 88 [of the new pamphlet] at about a quarter from end of the page - line starting “ve-ha-inyan…”  [P 66 of the book]

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Chochmah/wisdom is essentially beyond grasp.  It cannot be internalized.  You have it only while you are connected to it.  You cannot put it in your pocket. 

Yet it is within the realm of seckel/mind.  Unlike ratzon/will which is beyond sechel….

Wisdom/chochmah seeks the essence… and binah/understanding looks to grasp the thing…

The form is based on the essence, but in essence there is no form.

Chochmah/wisdom goes for the essence of the thing. This is what it relates to.

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