AyinBase with R' Paltiel 9/5/2010 Sunday 26 Elul 5770
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Page 29 – about a third from the top. Line starts, “bemakom acher...”
We've been seeing how chochmah is a proper intermediary, that relates to the ohrot atzmi-im. The oneg becomes part-and-parcel of the chochmah, and the chochmah becomes permeated by oneg, which is then disseminated to all the specific faculties.
Even though chochmah is a koach, yet the tynug is dressed in it.
In the nefesh things are in a state of “singular” or “only” - “unique singularity” (yachid) and at the level of chochmah they are in a state of “unity” (echad).
Till now we describe oneg being dressed in the chochmah. Now we are saying the nefesh delights in all the chushim (senses) and kochot, meaning they reach back into the nefesh itself.
Oneg itself is clear testimony of the G-dly presence in the world. G-d created the world vs it created itself – this debate comes down to “is there an element of truth in the world or is it all circumstantial?”
The reality of oneg is not just the experience itself – it is possible only when there is full and total trust and relating to the inyan. There is no real delight unless He made the world.
You can climb a ladder conscious that the ground holds it. So you are depending on something outside – this is not 100% unity with the ladder. The rebbe maharash could keep climbing while the other boys couldn't go further. The real oneg is the fact that it is rooted in the essence. Truth itself has not supporting factors – its there even where its not.
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