Thursday, December 25, 2014

“Stone Acknowledgement” p:72(16)

AyinBase / Ayin Beis with R' Paltiel 3 Tevet 5775 

Page 72(16)

At below the middle of the page – (line begins: 'mikol makom...') For text see below.

The union between the body and the soul has a Godly reality.

Thought is also a garment for the soul, but although it is constant it can be changed.

Thought is the body being aware that it is alive. Why must you be aware...?

Thought is awareness of life. Why must there be an awareness of life?

Fish in the sea are mute. Sea creatures are in a sense superior to land animal since they are totally submerged in their life source – they don't have the element of holding themselves up independently...

But the sea creatures have no self awareness.

The land creatures have self awareness and awareness of the life they receive... and this is a superior combination...

They are aware of life coming to them... and this is the basis of intellect... of thought that is constant..

And this is the wonder of thought... it is within awareness and yet it is a constant...

Hodah / acknowledgement is the source...

Learning is by means of a process. I don't know and then I know.

By contrast, life is a constant. It cannot have 2 states.

And we're talking of human beings. Land creatures. That are self aware, and yet they have something constant. If you know something as a constant then you know it at the level of the source...

We constantly acknowledge the constant inflow of life...

Trying to be in control of one's life is limiting. You don't know what God is and you don't know what life is... By controlling and defining you cut off life. When you lack acknowledgement you strip away life itself...

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