Thursday, December 25, 2014

“The Light, Name & Body” p:72(16)

AyinBase / Ayin Beis with R' Paltiel 3 Tevet 5775 

Page 72(16)

At below the middle of the page – (line begins: 'mikol makom...') For text see below.

We are saying that 'light' and 'name' are the same and stay connected to the source.

In the 'name' there is a secondary level too – this is 'the calling of the name' or the application of the name to an owned object.

Like the name the body is just a garment to the soul.

The soul is dressed in a vessel of skin and flesh.

This body is just a garment, but it is united with the soul/nefesh to the extent that he cannot divest himself of the body... like a person cannot divest himself of his name.

Then there is another level. Thoughts. The thoughts are also a garment, but it is the kind of garment that he can change. He can remove a thought and take on another.

Thought per se is a constant presence. Except he can exchange them.

Speech is another garment, but there is a time for speech and a time for silence... indicating that it is not constant...

You are not the result of your experience and circumstances. The human being is a Godly creation. He made man thus... and there are different levels to this creation. By Godly command the soul is invested in the body. A human being is a soul in a body.

Ratzon/will is on the level of 'being there'. Thought is on a lower level and deals with 'getting there'...

Speech is the presentation of desire on the level of time and space. The body exists in time and space, and all that it appreciates, has be be defined in these parameters.

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