Friday, November 29, 2013

“I'm Here” p:45

AyinBase / Ayin Beis with R' Paltiel Friday 26 Kislev 5774 

Page 45 מה

At 8th line of the page – (line begins: "ha-zeh...”) For text, click: Here.

We said there was a contraction of the infinite light. And it was concealed. But there remained a point. A trace. An impression.

Since the infinite light (and daylight in our metaphor), is not functional, but rather has its own fundamental reality, thus it cannot be removed without a trace. And the contraction is a reduction in hispashtus/revelation.

When He decided to make the world and reduce the light, He was sure not to remove it (just to conceal it). If he removed it, there would be no world.

Oneg/delight is not pleasure in the worldly sense. Oneg has no 'outside'. It is the fundamental truth that is everywhere. And from here you draw into chochmah and interepret your life...

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