Wednesday, November 6, 2013

“This is The Real Thing” p:41

AyinBase / Ayin Beis with R' Paltiel Wednesday 3 Kislev 5774 

Page 41 (מא)

At about 8 lines from the end of the page – (line begins: 'min...') For text, click: Here.

We are concluding a description of the principle of hashpah atzmi/gufni (essential mentorship), where the influence is like part of the essence itself.

In the case of the seminal drop (tipah), we see it is 'himself', so how is it hashpah? It seems like it is just an extension of himself...

This is because the mentorship (whether physical or spiritual) is based on an overall reality that is higher and 'all encompassing'. He gives of himself, so that the new entity will be separate from him, although he does not abandon it... it becomes a part of the essence... How would one agree to separate a piece of himself? This is because it remains in the same overall reality. Till he sees that what is mine, is not mine at all, it really belongs to a greater reality...

This is seen in the halacha of inheritance, where it is seen as being the continuation of the same ownership. You have 2 entities (father and son) and yet they are the same?! That is because they relate and are nullified to the overall reality...

The father gives part of himself, and that the son can be superior to his father, since he was granted an essential element. And the essence is an unlimited resource... this is like the power of vegetation embedded in the earth – it can give rise to unlimited variety and quantity...

And how is it that the father, who is finite, can give over an essence and a lineage that will never end...? In everything there is light (orot) and vessels (keilim). The keilim are where things become real at the tangible level... God grants a presence into finite entities, that is infinite. The father and the earth, though finite (having a limited vessel) contain infinite light.

A human being is of such depth of reality, that he can focus his mind on something that has no practical implication.

And the influence of the essence is in a physical thing, specifically...

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