Thursday, November 7, 2013

“The Donkey and The Lexus” p:41- 42

AyinBase / Ayin Beis with R' Paltiel Thursday 4 Kislev 5774 
Page 41 (מא)

At about 4 lines from the end of the page – (line begins: 'umah...') For text, click: Here.

Essence is never exhaused...

And this low physical world is a recipient of ohr atzmi (essential light)...

The father gives the child life and essential being, and there is no limit in how it will develop...

Only physicality can carry essence, because it is 'purpose neutral'...

The ability to create a physical entity that defies a source, is representative of Him Himself!

The higher something is, the lower its depiction. Think of the lion and the ox. The lion is on the right side of the supernal chariot, and the ox on the left. But down here it is the ox that can be offered on the alter, and the lion is not even kosher...

Tree in afternoon light (top of the post in morning light) - EPkwy, Crown Heights

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