Tuesday, November 19, 2013

“No Experience” p:44

AyinBase / Ayin Beis with R' Paltiel Tuesday 16 Kislev 5774 

Page 44 מד

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There is a difference between souls and angels. Angels are rooted in the spiritual union of chochmah and binah. This is external and means that the element of essence and inner reality (etzem and pnimiut) is not drawn down.

Think of chochmah and binah. Chochmah is like sight – conception by seeing – a replication of the oneg/delight. Binah by contrast already relates to the content and the composition.

So binah seems to be in a different realm, since it relates to the identifiable entities. But we are able to identify the composites, because we have the whole. Not the other way around. Binah is completely illuminated by chochmah...!

So chochmah enables the binah. Yet it is still external mentorship (hashpah chitzoniut) that it is given to binah. Binah still does not see reality the way chochmah does...

it is known that all of creation is from chochmah and binah, as the verse says, 'You made them all with chochmah (wisdom)' and the Zohar says it was all in chochmah and 'You made them be, as separate entities in binah...

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