Thursday, November 14, 2013

“There Is Greatness!” p:43

AyinBase / Ayin Beis with R' Paltiel ThursdayNight 11 Kislev 5774

Page 43 מג

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We have learned that the principle of zivugim/union was not mentioned in the level of igulim. In igulim there are not real distinct entities... and thus the 'essence' element cannot be tolerated. And if there was a revelation of essential light then any existence would be completely nullified.

But in the world of yashar/straight/dry land, the entities are real entities, and are thus able to receive the element of essence and not lose their presence...

Thus zivugim/union is only presence in that level of yashar.

In the world of iggulim/circles/ocean, the entities do not sense a higher level. They are completely surrounded by their source. This is in contrast to yashar, where the entity is connected by a line. There is recognition of 'where it comes from'.

There is a sense of 'hey, as small as I am, yet there is greatness!'

How is it possible for one to recognize 'there is One, for whom there is no beginning' and not be overwhelmed? This is because you have been given a presence. A presence that you cannot explain. So you can say, there is a greater presence, a Source...

Your obedience of the king's command does not nullify your existence. It substantiates your existence.

Our recognition of the Godly truth is a true recognition. It is not out of fear or necessity. It is the truth. You may be enticed to pursue things of this world, but at the back of your mind is the directive, 'hey, there is a truth!'

The Rebbe loved baal tshuvahs. They have seen, tasted and experienced the world and evil. But then they find a deeper truth, and they bear witness to that, and turn around. This is due to finding an inner truth. This is straight/yashar. A real presence, recognizing Higher Presence...

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