Friday, July 18, 2014

“Beyond Making Sense” p: 69

AyinBase / Ayin Beis with R' Paltiel 20 Tammuz, 5774 

Page 69

At 5 lines from the top of the page – (line begins, “hee...”) For text, click: Here or see below.

We have finally hit the limit of sechel/logic/mind.

If we base our grasp on logic we will have circular logic. The point is outside that level of awareness.

We want to understand. Is logic logical? And if so, why is it self contradictory?

The answer is that, 'logic is logical within a certain context, but not from the perception of the beginning of reality'.

What it means to exist” is outside the realm of logic.

Godliness has no beginning. Godliness is not logical. So why do we apply logic? So we can relate to that which we know beyond logic...

Sechel/mind is uniquely human and is sourced in the soul not experience!

The soul is a Godly life and thus it looks at everything with that light... with the Godly spirit. It sees the reality and does not need explanations...

The world represents a Godly reality – there is not a beginning and there is not an end. It is counter to the truth to try to understand it logically. It precedes logic. It creates logic.

What makes a man want to live? Nothing at all! It was given to him in his soul. God has no beginning and the desire for life has no beginning.

So therefore if we present a world that does have a beginning then he loses the desire to live... God gave the world a beginning. The world does not have a worldly beginning.

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