Friday, July 11, 2014

“Super Real and Super True” p: 68

AyinBase / Ayin Beis with R' Paltiel 13 Tammuz,  5774 

Page 68

At the 8th line of the page – (line begins, “gum mibechinat...”) For text, click: Here or see below.

We are looking at bechirah/choice. Israel was chosen from all of creation. Choice was identified in the Source of all sources, and the souls of Israel can relate to this.

There are three knots. And each has a revealed and an concealed element. The three are Israel, Torah and God.

The concealed element is very hard for us to sense. The concealed level has no beginning and 'what it is about'. It is super real and super true, but beyond definition... we can hardly conceptualize this level – truth beyond definition.

One way to think of this: in our world darkness is an essential state. There is nothing essential in the world. It has no basis except that it was created. But we have to relate to the opposite! In the sun brightness is an essential state. In the sun 'light is like darkness to us'.

There is no way to get a handle on this, except to go deeper into your own soul and emunah/faith. The body is temporal, but the soul is real life, beyond our understanding... the soul gets life from God Himself. This is called concealed/sosim.

There are different kinds of concealment. Think of an egg. You may think it needs an origin point, but it is seamless. In our world everything is developmental, but Godliness – the source of life has no beginning point and is not subject to a developmental process.

The world does have a 'beginning point', but it is concealed.

Israel is a reality that came from nowhere.

Torah is a reality that came from nowhere.

He is a reality that has no beginning.

Think of a child. From the perspective of biology he became a human by virtue of development. This is wrong. The human element is inherent.

You cannot forget how to ride a bicycle. You cannot forget how to walk. This is due to an inherent sense of balance. This is a hidden element without a starting point.

And no thought can grasp it at all.

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