Monday, July 7, 2014

“Cups & Clocks” p: 68

AyinBase / Ayin Beis with R' Paltiel 9 Tammuz, 5774 

Page 68

At second line of the page – (line begins, “hanishmah...”) For text, click: Here or see below.

We are looking at the faculty of sight, which is like 'face to face (panim be panim)'. At Sinai we saw what was said. And the point is that with sight you have contact with the reality itself (mehus), as opposed to the structure or thing (metziut).

This is like chochmah/wisdom. It is going straight to the source. It is not information gleaned from the process of contrast...

The world, from its own perspective is dark. And it is full of oddities... but when you have light, which stands for Godly truth, then the oddity aspect disappears...

And this is the element of 'sight'. This is seeing 'face to face'.

And this voice of God that was seen, had two elements – it brought life to Israel and destruction to Aku”m. This was God's revelation of a reality that is not based on my own experience.

This is His choosing of Israel. Only Israel can relate to this and survive it, since they are not fixated on their own reality and can relate to the Godly truth...

Only a Jew can say, “this is the God that I serve, and I have no question of 'where did He come from?'”

We live in a very dark world. The sun is an essential illuminator. God put light into it. Light to the sun is as fundamental as darkness is to the world.

The presence of God is more fundamental than the absence and not because there is 'something' present. This is chochmah. You knowledge begins not from ignorance, but from knowing.

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