Tuesday, July 22, 2014

“More to The Picture Than Meets the Eye” p: 69

AyinBase / Ayin Beis with R' Paltiel 24 Tammuz, 5774 

Page 69

Below the middle of the page – (line begins, “ha-inyan hu...”) For text, click: Here or see below.

The difference between, and the choice between the internal and the external level is based on the difference between the inner and external levels of tynug/pleasure.

This is hard for us to perceive, since we base our conscious actions on reasons. Even getting out of bed in the morning which you may think is a perfectly wholesome human action has an admixture of specific reasons/enticements such as, 'okay, time to go to class' or 'I need to get to work'...

Whereas in reality there is an inner motivation of: 'I want to participate in daylight' that is deeper than any specific activity.

I don't need a reason to live. I don't need a reason to participate in life. Even though life is active it is beyond reason. It is not active in contrast to inaction. Life is active.

So there is a choosing of the inner level. Not due to some kind of benefit, but because it is Him.

The souls of Israel and the Torah are the inner reality of the world.

A home consists of a physical structure. The inner reality of the home is the human element.

It is important to cleave to the inner reality of things. The external view is so prevalent. Yet we go with the inner reality that is not manifest. We live with the inner reality that God made.

Both the inner and external levels are necessary.

At every moment a person is 'much bigger than what meets the eye'.

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