Thursday, June 18, 2015

“Function & Reality Itself” p:17/13

AyinBase / Ayin Beis with R' Paltiel, Nissan 5775 

Page 17 of pamphlet – (At 7th line from end of the page. Line begins: 'metziut hakaylim...'). Page 13 of the book. For text see below.

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Tzimtzum is for the ohrot/lights, but most primarily for the keilim/vessels.

The principle of keilim cannot even be percieved before there's a tzimtzum.

Our means of relating to ohr/light is based on the human being. When a man owns property, in what way does he relate to it? He doesn't have to create a particular effect of 'I'm here' – automatically he is there and the entire home is affected by this.

A human being is a fundamental presence, and God has rendered the world into his hands.

So at this level of ohr/light were is the possibility of creating vessels. The light says, 'I own this because I own this'.

On the other hand another person can later own the property. The ownership has definition and limit. This indicates the beginning of keilim.

For the vessels to surface you have to step down from 'the reality itself' and get into the functional level.

Reality comes from above. You don't own it. You cannot determine when the sun rises on your property.

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