Wednesday, June 10, 2015

“Beyond Grasp; I Understand” p:17/12

AyinBase / Ayin Beis with R' Paltiel, Nissan 5775 

Page 17 of pamphlet – (top line of the page. Line begins: 'hagvul...'). Page 12 of the book. For text see below.

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The feet are activated by 'getting to the destination', but the feet have no conception of this level.

Breathing does not take place by your initiative, but because life is being breathed into you.

The sechel is trying to understand something that is not within its realm and thus will say things that are contradictory.

Sechel/mind is uniquely human – it does not exist in any other creature – it is in the world, but it is not world based. It is not built on worldly parameters. It is based on nefesh/soul. And this is the meaning of 'I understand' – it means, 'I hear what the soul is telling me'. I cannot get to it by experimentation.

In atzilus there are vessels, but they are without limit. A human being is a metaphor for this. God said he would make a human being and that he would 'reflect Us' – the way it is above. So the human is both a creation and Godly.

Even though the vessels are without limitation in the world of atzilus, nevertheless, even as the vessels are in atzilus they have the aspect of midot/emotions and kochot/faculties, and they are not the soul itself.

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