Wednesday, June 3, 2015

“Obvious Truth” p:16/12

AyinBase / Ayin Beis with R' Paltiel, Nissan 5775 

Page 16 of pamphlet – (At 7th line of the page. Line begins: 've-al-ken...'). Page 12 of the book. For text see below.

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We say 'nothing compares to You in this world'. And why is 'this world' mentioned? Nothing compares to Him in any world. The answer is because in this world we encounter physicality which denies any source – it says it cannot be traced to a higher level. This means it came to be in a manner of 'nothing compares' (ein aroch).

Because this world does not point to a source, while being a derivative from above, this indicates that the Above is beyond compare.

Things in this world are present by virtue of the effect they make. This is the category of yesh. By contrast ein/nothing is present by virtue of its truth, rather than by means of its impact. The world is 'yesh mi ein' – 'something from nothing'.

On the one hand the world of atzilus reveals only that which was concealed. On the other hand it is novel creation.

Nothing can exist except to draw on the 'Source of all sources' – ohr ein sof. He is the source of all. And that source is totally without definition. So how can such a Source create a defined entity that is based on impact and effect?

Atzilus is the intermediary – I provides for this ability to create... it contains two opposite elements. I has elements of Source as well as something that is akin to the creations...!

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